
I never knew I had the desire to write until I started writing for myself; and, not for a deadline or an instructor. Now, I am inspired by my friends and family (and readers) to continue.
I have about fifteen years of writing experience (10 years of instruction). I have written, in exhaust, for a major university in rhetorical studies and communication (which was one of the top universities in rhetoric). I have experience in writing commentaries and articles on health and beauty, animal rights, and cultural awareness; and, have worked as a copy editor, proofreader for a major California college.
This blog is a work in progress. I am here because this is something I love to do. And, I hope to attract, an audience who, like me, thirsts for a variety of knowledge when they start reading my articles and poetry. I encourage those who are interested to become part of this dialogue—this forum. I want to connect and be part of your forum if possible. Thank you for reading.
C. L. Burdett

10 thoughts on “Profile

      1. I just wanted to let you know that if you did want to buy one of my books, I can sell it to you for less than retail. No pressure. I just wanted to let you know. Hopefully we can find some time to get together for coffee or tea. Take care, Kelley

  1. Hello. Thanks for stopping by my page and thank you for the follow. Just wanted to take a moment to let you know, when you leave a message, we can’t click on your name to travel to your page. If you can fix that you may likely get more traffic on this amazing blog. Again, thanks for reaching out to me. It gave me a chance to find your blog.

  2. We must have crossed paths, I was a student of Little Crows in 80 and 81. I used to buy my books at his book store and went to the gathering for years. I own a couple of tapes from gathering and my recollection is they were taped every Sunday. Are you aware of anywhere where those tapes can be purchased? I know that for awhile there was a small group in Garden Grove that still met but I’ve been unable to locate them. Any information you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance
    Ernesto Ojeda

    1. Hello Ernesto, I’ve been looking around online to get you information. I don’t know if they still meet in Garden Grove- I have been searching for you. When I find something I will make sure to pass this information to you.

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